Monday, February 3, 2014

Enjoy life while you still can..

Many teens and young adults, specifically ages 13-23, don't realize what they're missing out on. The older you get, the more stress and responsibilities you're going to have to go through. Life is difficult once you start your own family, or even once you start college. That's why you should slack it off as a teen or young adult, and enjoy life while you still can. Here are some tips on what you should do while you still can:


Okay, this one is pretty obvious.. But for those of you who say, "I'm never going to attend a party because It's going to effect my grades.", partying can effect your grades in a negative way.. But it depends on HOW you party.. If you drink responsibly, don't drive while you're intoxicated, don't attend a party every day, and balance your studying time, than you should be fine! Anyways, the whole point of a party is destroy your stress, and to have fun! It can also build your social skills, along with making new friends.


Whether it's being in a team, or even playing with your friends. Playing sports is something a lot of adults don't do, simply because they don't have the time to do it. 

3. LEARN TO DRIVE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE (specifically at age 16)

The earlier you learn how to drive, the better. You can take your friends out to places, or better of yet the special someone you're going out with. This will Definitely increase your chances of having more friends, or even being invited to a party. I HIGHLY recommend you get your license at the age of 16.


Attend as many concerts as you can. Once you start your career, you will most likely not be able to attend any due to your work schedule. 


Now.. This is something Adults can do, but you get the most of fun out of it when you're younger. Why? Because the majority of people at a club are younger! And a younger person isn't going to want to hook with an older person. Unless he or she is a "gold digger" of course.


The older you get, the higher your body percentage increases. It is VERY important to workout as SOON AS POSSIBLE. Young people have the advantage because their body fat percentage is lower than what it will be in the future, along with testosterone levels being at it's peak. GO TO THE GYM RIGHT NOW!


You won't regret this. If you play an instrument for about 30 minutes a day, you should master it around 5 years. If you're 13, you can easily be in a band once you turn 18. If you're 18, than you can still show it off to the future girl or guy that you end up meeting up with. Or even show it off to your family, friends, or co-workers.


Many adults actually lose most of their high school/college friends after they graduate . In fact, some of them no longer have any. Being a teen is the best years of your life where you can actually hang out with your high school or college friends. Enjoy it while it lasts!


There are many young virgins out there. And you have a chance to get laid with one of them! If you ever have the chance to get laid, than go for it! Take any chances of getting laid while you still can. Once you get married.. The only person you can have sex with, is your wife or husband. Make sure you follow the laws though! Don't do anything stupid that can ruin your life! And be sure to respect the other gender!            "No" means NO!


Unless you want to be working at a "job" that pays you less than $10 an hour for the rest of your life.. You should take your education seriously!! Attend college so that you can obtain a degree that will get you a high paying career! Be sure to pick the career you believe you will enjoy! Don't go for something, JUST because it pays a lot. Go for something you know you will enjoy! 

This is all I have to write. I hope you understand how valuable your teen years/young adult years are. Go out there right now.. And have fun!